Extraordinary Spicy Chicken Recipes With Ordinary Ingredients

Spicy Chicken Wings, Buffalo Style

Our second grade class was studying the Sioux Native Americans. We were looking at a picture of a buffalo and discussing its many uses by the Sioux. One of my second graders was puzzled and asked, "Where are his wings?" Then she explained, "My dad loves buffalo wings, but I can't see them on the picture."

Buffalo wings have absolutely nothing to do with the Plains buffalo! They were, instead, made famous by the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, NY.


4 pounds chicken wings

salt (to your taste)

freshly ground black pepper

4 cups vegetable oil

4 tablespoons butter

5 tablespoons hot sauce (choose the sauce that matches the amount of heat that you want)

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

Chop off the tip of each wing and throw away. Cut the rest of the wing at the joint. Sprinkle with black pepper and salt.

Heat the oil in skillet or deep fryer to about 400 degrees F. Add half the chicken wings and cook until golden crisp; drain on paper towels. Cook the rest of the wings.

Melt the butter, add the hot sauce and vinegar. Stir well and pour over the crispy chicken.

Serve with blue cheese dressing and celery. If you are American, you are being patriotic when you serve this spicy chicken! The chicken is red, and blue and white are in the blue cheese dressing.

Honey-Vinegar Spicy Chicken

8 pieces of chicken, skin removed

2 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons chili powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper

6 tablespoons honey

2 teaspoons cider vinegar

Combine garlic powder, chili powder, salt, cumin, paprika, and ground red pepper in a bowl. Mix well, and evenly coat chicken with this mixture.

Broil chicken five minutes; turn and broil another 5 minutes. Mix the honey and vinegar. Brush one side of chicken with half the honey/vinegar mixture and broil another minute; then turn and apply the other half of the mixture. Broil one more minute.

You will love this recipe, almost guaranteed!

Marinade for BBQ Spicy Chicken

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 tablespoons salt

6 oz. tomato paste

1 cup cider vinegar

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

1 cup chicken broth

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

This is too easy! Wisk ingredients together in saucepan and simmer for about 5 minutes. Cool before using. Place chicken in marinade, cover, and marinate about 2 hours. Turn chicken and marinate 2 more hours.

This marinade can be stored in frig for two weeks.

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